All climate emotions belong. Here’s how to welcome them.

Climate emotions are many and varied, and it can be difficult to know how to process them. Emotional agility helps us notice and respond to our emotions in a way that is supportive to us and our community response to the climate crisis.

Seeing through the eyes of a child

There’s a specific facet of love that I feel is what sustains love, what keeps it alive. Wonder. Awe. That experience of seeing something as if for the first time, or seeing something so beautiful it has the ability to change a previously held perception.

What is a climate cafe?

By Carol-Ann Allen “Psychology is not a profession of silence. It is a profession of conversation, of surfacing, sharing, and exploring feelings and emotion” Rebecca Weston, Climate Psychology Alliance of North America A climate cafe is a facilitated gathering place where supportive connections are made through sharing our feelings about the climate crisis – feelings […]

The practice of fierce self-compassion

By Bianca Crapis So often when we think of action on climate, we focus on the urgency of doing. The measure of success becomes tied to results that often lie far beyond our locus of control. Yet, as Joanna Macy points out, there is a significant link between burnout and outcome-based hope. When, as advocates […]